CTET 2023 Result Dates – Marksheet & CTET Certificate

Result for CTET Exam 2020 to be conducted by CBSE for July 2020 session will soon be released in the month of August 2020. Candidates can check the result by visiting the official portal ctet.nic.in. Candidates are required to download CTET Scorecard and Eligibility Certificate from the DigiLocker Platform by entering their respective valid roll number.

Candidated who will qualify the CTET exam can get recruited in various schools run by the central government, UT’s, private schools, state government/local bodies, etc. 

Last year in CTET December 2019 session in which 28,32,120 candidates had registered, out of which 24,05,145 had appeared for the exam and only 5,42,285 qualified the CTET exam.

CTET 2020 Result Dates

CTET Exam DateJuly 5, 2020
Release of CTET Answer Keys 2020To be announced
Release of CTET 2020 ScorecardTo be announced
Issue of CTET Eligibility Certificate August 2020 (tentative)

How to Check CTET 2020 Result?

The CTET 2020 result is available on the official website – ctet.nic.in. The Six-step process can be followed to access the result.

  • Step 1: Candidates shall visit the official website, ctet.nic.in.
  • Step 2: Now Candidates shall click on the news header stating “CTET 2020 Result”.
  • Step 3: After clicking, Candidates will be redirected to a new page.
  • Step 4: Candidates shall enter the roll number in the space provided.
  • Step 5: Your result will be displayed on the screen. Step 6: Download a copy of the results sheet and save it for future reference.

CTET Qualifying Marks 2020

  • To qualify the CTET 2020, the candidates shall get at least 60% for General category and 55% for OBC/ SC/ ST categories.
  • It means at least 90 marks out of a total of 150 is required to be obtained in the respective papers.
  • However even if candidates secured less than 60 % or 55 % as the case may be, the School Managements (Government, Local bodies, Government aided and unaided) may consider the application for job, giving concessions to people belonging to SC/ST, OBC, differently-abled people, etc., in accordance with their reservation policy.
  • Qualifying CTET does not mean that you now have a right on any organisation  for employment. It is only one of the eligibility criteria for appointment and you have to be eligible in other matters also with the respective management policy of the organisation.

Issue of CTET Eligibility Certificate

The candidates appearing in CTET will be issued Marks Statement.

Every candidates appeared for the CTET exam will be issued Marks Statement. But only those candidates will get the Eligibility Certificate who secured at-least 60% and above.

Expected CTET Cutoff 2020

The Cutoff will be updated officially in the month of August 2020. Once released we will share you the actual cut-off.

Here is the expected cut off for the session:


CTET Certificates on DigiLocker

CBSE has partnered with DigiLocker for making available the mark sheet and CTET certificates for the year 2020. Digilocker is a secure online platform of government of india for storing, sharing and verifying documents and certificates issued by various authorities.

The process to download the Mark sheet and CTET certificate on your DigiLocker account is shown below:

Step I: Login into the Digilocker App with login credentials provided by CTET along with your registered mobile number.

Step II: Click on the link to access the documents.

Step III: Click on “Display the document” to display Marksheet and CTET Certificate.

Updated: May 9, 2023 — 11:28 am

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